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Case Study: How Tysers Manage Pay Without the Risk

Written by
David Whitfield
Case Study: How Tysers Manage Pay Without the Risk

Insurance brokers Tysers started out in the City of London in 1820 as a family-owned marine insurance company. Over 200 years later, it has evolved into a leading Lloyds broker and a global operation employing over 1,000 people. In 2023, Tysers began using HR DataHub to validate salary surveys and benchmark pay assessments for all its UK employees.

Data Checks That Don’t Check Out

Salary surveys can take months to complete and publish. So whenever Tysers commissions pay surveys from third-party providers to inform its pay structuring, it meticulously cross-checks survey data to ensure the salaries featured are in line with current pay trends. But sourcing reliable pay comparisons from the marketplace can be a tedious and lengthy chore. Pay rates for the perceived job with the same title may vary considerably from one recruitment agency to the next. Some agencies only cover some of the required job titles, while others classify the same jobs at different levels. Before adopting HR DataHub, Tysers found that ironing out inconsistencies, finding reliable averages and building meaningful benchmarks took hours of manual effort.

Easy Validation for Salary Surveys

“It's always good to sense-check the data you're getting from salary survey providers because markets move quickly. HR DataHub pay data is right up to date.” *Nigel Moss, Head of Rewards, Tysers Insurance Brokers Limited

HR DataHub has transformed how Tysers validates the outputs from annual salary surveys to correct skews associated with historical data being out of step with fast-changing pay trends. Access to HR DataHub’s real-time salary information gleaned from thousands of data points gives the Rewards Team an instant picture of pay ranges for individual roles at different levels. Instead of spending valuable time scraping and reconciling salary data from four or more recruitment agency websites, users can complete compensation reviews more efficiently and build salary structures based upon a highly dependable source of truth, HR DataHub.

Tactical Tool for Rewards and HR

“When you hear managers say the market's moved and the data you're giving is not correct, HR DataHub can quickly point them to a number of jobs advertised recently and verify the salary ranges.”*

As well as helping the Rewards Team to validate annual salary surveys, HR DataHub is used by HR professionals as a time-saving tactical tool to respond to pay-related queries from managers across the business. For instance, if a leaver claims they can earn more doing the same job at a different company, data from HR DataHub can quickly and accurately verify whether they are being paid the going market rate and avoid the need to reassess the salaries of all colleagues at a similar level.

“I think it’s good value for the price. It's a great solution.“*

Real-time Pay Data at Your Fingertips

Don’t let outdated salary data hold you back. Keep your finger on the pulse with real-time pay insights from HR DataHub. Our easy-to-use platform gives you instant access to over 30 million live and historical job posts updated daily, empowering you to analyse specific locations, skill sets, and market trends in just a few clicks. Seamlessly integrate this invaluable data into your existing processes and ensure your compensation strategies are always competitive. And the best part? We never ask you to submit your data. Take control of your market positioning and upgrade to HR DataHub today.