HR DataHub
Salary Insights, Simplified.
Introducing HR DataHub - the salary benchmarking platform that gives you access to the UK's most comprehensive real-time salary data at the click of a button. Stay competitive by offering the right compensation to attract and retain the talent you need.

Take the guesswork out of your salary strategy

Attract and retain the right people
Make informed salary decisions with real-time data that keeps you ahead of the competition

Trust in data-driven decisions
Have confidence that your decisions are backed by data that's as fresh as the market

Save time for real work
Say goodbye to tedious benchmarking admin and free up your time for things higher up the priority list
They already trust us

What you get with HR DataHub

20M+ Job postings
We update our data sources and job postings daily, giving you the most comprehensive view of the UK market

Trends over time insights
Past and present salary data lets you stay on top of market trends by tracking how salaries have changed over time

Easy to use
User friendly interface
We update our data sources and job postings daily, giving you the most comprehensive view of the UK market

Key product features

Suggested job titles
More than one job title for the same role? No problem. Our search functionality will automatically suggest similar job titles so that you don’t have to. Search multiple titles at once and finding accurate results has just become a whole lot quicker.

Downloadable results
We know the importance of communicating your pay decisions to the rest of the business. Our downloadable results tables and graphs arm you with the assets you need for easy reporting.
Localised search
Not all salaries are made equal and there can be a big difference between towns and cities across the UK. Search over 100 UK locations and make sure that you’re paying fairly, wherever you're based.

Saved searches
With Saved searches, you can benchmark roles accurately and consistently every time without the hassle of starting over. Save your searches with all filters intact, revisit them anytime, and update timeframes in seconds.
How it works
We collect job listings daily from multiple sources including Linkedin, Glassdoor and Indeed so that you know your data is as fresh as the market
Search & refine
Use our intuitive tool to search and refine your results by role, location, salary type and more
Compare median, upper and lower results for your roles. Use your insights to inform your salary strategy and ensure you’re always paying fairly
Share your results with key stakeholders with our downloadable results table and summary charts

We deliver you salary insights without ever asking for your data 👀
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Once a month we will send you our monthly rundown so that you can catch up with the world of HR. We’ll keep you updated with what’s new at HR Datahub.
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